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Blood Tests

If you have already have a Cyrex, Nationwide Pathology, FDX, or other, blood test kit, you can book a blood draw through Phlebotomy services with or without centrifugation.

Range of Functional DX Blood Tests available 

Alternatively, browse the range of Functional DX Blood Tests kits, available at Sutherland House, for women’s health, men’s health, fertility, thyroid, cognitive, and physical health.

If you have any questions, or for a comprehensive advisory on blood tests, book a consultation with Marina Townsley, Naturopath.

Blood Tests for General Health Checks & Cardio Inspections

FDX Inspect
FDX Check
FDX Ultra
FDX Cardio Check

Blood Tests for Women

FDX Femme Reset
FDX Femme Ultra
FDX Femme Inspect
FDX Femme Fertility

Blood Tests for Men

FDX Man Inspect
FDX Fertility For Men
FDX Man Reset
FDX Man Ultra

Blood Tests for Cognitive & Physical Health

FDX Workout
FDX Workplace
FDX Weight Aware
FDX Brain Check

Blood Tests for Thyroid Health

FDX Thyroid Inspect
FDX Thyroid Ultra
FDX Thyroid Check
FDX Thyroid Check +

Blood Tests for Fertility

FDX Femme Fertility
FDX Fertility For Men

Gift Card

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