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Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture

Acupuncture forms one of the therapeutic branches of an ancient integrated system of medicine known as Chinese medicine. Originating in China, and having 2,000 years of undisturbed continuity, it has evolved since then to become the systematic, modern form called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Acupuncture treatment Sutherland House

About Acupuncture

TCM acupuncture is considered a safe and effective treatment for both acute and chronic conditions. TCM acupuncture can effectively work alone or as a compliment to Western medicine. Additionally, it can counteract side effects of medication and be used as a preventative measure to benefit and maintain health as it has been proven to strengthen the underlying constitution.

Western medical studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates the brain to produce endorphins and serotonin, which relieve pain and stress and have a positive effect on one’s emotional state.

Neuro scientists have proven with the use of MRI scanners that the deeper structures of the brain (the limbic system in particular) can be manipulated during acupuncture treatments. Parallels can be drawn here which help to explain why acupuncture is so effective with pain management. Parts of the brain literally become less active. This is very exciting as we have a modern day hypothesis that helps explain why acupuncture is so effective in treating pain.

Acupuncture needles and ancient medicine book Sutherland House

Today, acupuncture is becoming more recognised for its effectiveness and versatility and there continues to be a growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating this. A greater number of people around the world are turning to TCM for a solution to their health issues and discovering what it can do for them.

Currently, the main governing body in the UK is the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) which ensures a code of ethics, standards of practice and the continuing professional development of all its members.

Acupuncture Clinic

To book an appointment with Martine and Natalie Vegoda, please call

Sutherland House Acupuncturists

LicAc, MBAcC, BSc (Hons) BA (Hons)
LicAc, MBAcC BSc (Hons)
For more information visit The Heathlands Clinic website on https://heathlandsclinic.com

Every patient is unique as conditions vary in nature, duration and severity. Therefore the length and frequency of treatment will depend on the individual case. 

During the initial consultation, Martine and Natalie will discuss with you the length and frequency of treatment and this will be reviewed regularly along your treatment path.

To book an appointment with Martine and Natalie Vegoda, please call

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