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How Red Light Therapy works

The Technology

This emerging technology uses superluminous and laser diodes to irradiate abnormal tissue with photons. Photons are particles of energy that are absorbed by a variety of micro-molecules within the cell, a process that initiates a number of positive physiological responses. In irradiated tissue light energy is converted into biochemical energy.

Red Light Therapy North London
THE RESULT Normal cell structure and function are restored using the body’s own mechanisms.

Light in its various forms has been used for healing from the time of the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations. With recent advances in the engineering of devices and the development of protocols for effective therapeutic application, dramatic benefits and treatment of many complex medical conditions are now achievable.

The BioFlex System combines engineering advances with the capacity to control all parameters such as frequency, duty cycle, energy density, duration, etc. A range of protocols can be delivered to tissue in standard fashion or on a customised basis.

The monochromatic coherent and polarized characteristics of the therapeutic light beam permit penetration of deep tissues without harming normal cells. It should be noted that the end result is intending to be curative, rather than just symptom control, the conventional approach for the management of pain.

The Advantages of Red Light Therapy

The Physiological Effects of Red Light Therapy

Short Term Effects

  • Production and release of beta-endorphins (these are morphine like substances produced by various cells in the body that inhibit the sensation of pain)
  • Cortisol production is increased (cortisol is the precursor of cortisone). This enables the body to combat the stress associated with trauma or the disease process
  • The short-term effect is significant in 5-10% of cases during or after the conclusion of the initial treatment, but is not as important as the long term or cumulative effect

Long Term Or Cumulative Effects

  • ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production is increased resulting in improved cellular metabolism
  • DNA (deoxyribonucleicacid) production; the protein building block of tissue is substantially increased
  • Neurotransmission is facilitated due to elevated levels of serotonin and aceytylcholine
  • Mitochondrial activity is stimulated resulting in cell replication etc. (i.e. replacement, regeneration and repair of abnormal cells)
  • Modulation of macrophages, fibroblasts and other cells
  • Angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels)
  • Regulates cell membrane potential, essential in Na, Cl and K ion transfer (electrolyte balance)
  • Cytokines and other chemicals enhancing cellular communications are released

Other Effects

  • The immune response is stimulated
  • Lymphatic drainage is enhanced
  • The histamine response is modified
  • Production of growth factors are increased
  • The body’s healing processes are accelerated
These beneficial physiological changes are the result of cell stimulation and tissue regeneration. Many other positive activities are found including hormonal and cerebral spinal fluid effects which are significant and are currently under investigation.

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Sutherland House Red Light Therapy Specialists

General Practitioner (GP)
Member of the British Medical Acupuncture Society
Red Light Therapy Specialist

Dr Peter Herbert is available at Sutherland House on the following days for Red Light Therapy sessions.

Wednesdays: 3 pm – 6 pm
Thursdays:  3 pm – 6 pm

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