Why has Hypermobility become such a big problem nowadays?

By Eva Hadjidemetri Hypermobility has existed for generations, but has never been considered as a medical pathological condition. Even now older generation of doctors dismiss it and do not understand why flexible people need medical attention. What is Joint Hypermobility? Joint Hypermobility is a hereditary condition that features joints which are moving beyond the normal […]
Exercise Regime – Yoga Poses, Fat Loss, Cardio and Sitting Postures [videos]

Here are our latest exercise videos and there are further videos on our YouTube channel to help you with increasing your fitness levels whilst stuck at home. Yoga Poses Session 1 with Judith Landausser, Chartered Physiotherapist.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVyKlpeJ6dQ Cardio & Fat Loss Workout Session 3 with Dr. Alexander Guimaraes, Exercise Physiologist.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WXCSNXGZOc Self Mobilisations for Prolonged Sitting Postures […]