Why use Herbal Medicine?

By Marina Townsley Most of us are so used to treating their ailments with pharmaceutical pills of one sort or another that the idea of using plants as medicine would seem outdated. It evokes medieval visions of cackling witches brewing their secret potions in the moonlight or peasant women boiling roots and barks because they […]
A day in the life of a women’s health physiotherapist

By Judith Landhausser HCPC, MCSP, MACPWH, PG Dip (Women’s Health) Most of us are so used to treating their ailments with pharmaceutical pills of one sort or another that the idea of using plants as medicine would seem outdated. It evokes medieval visions of cackling witches brewing their secret potions in the moonlight or peasant […]
5 ways to fend off infections and support your immune system.

Elderberry Herbal medicine can be a true ally in keeping us well and able to fend off infections. They can restore us back to health more quickly and prevent infections from lingering inside the body which can cause long-term fatigue or other complications. Olive Leaf Extract I find Olive leaf extract incredibly helpful in maintaining […]
How to Eat Well and Be Adventurous With New Things

By Marina Townsley Many of you mention that you are running out of ideas what to cook for the family. Well, it’s never been a better time to experiment with new foods and educate your palate! Many of you have heard of buckwheat as a gluten free alternative to wheat. The truth is that buckwheat […]
Is working from home a pain in the neck? (part 2)

By Charmaine Smyth, Chartered Physiotherapist The first step to change is awareness! Our last discussion was on awareness of your habitual posture at your workstation at home. Your task was to try and get to the ideal working position. Did you manage to achieve the ideal working position? You may be asking why is this […]
Why has Hypermobility become such a big problem nowadays?

By Eva Hadjidemetri Hypermobility has existed for generations, but has never been considered as a medical pathological condition. Even now older generation of doctors dismiss it and do not understand why flexible people need medical attention. What is Joint Hypermobility? Joint Hypermobility is a hereditary condition that features joints which are moving beyond the normal […]
7 Ways to Help Hypermobile Children Be Confident, Flexible People

By Eva Hadjidemetri Hypermobility syndrome can bring with it difficulties for children, their parents and care givers. However, there are techniques to manage the challenges for hypermobile children, support is out there and a positive future is a reality. All children are different however these 7 tips are techniques we have found can really help […]
Exercise Regime – Yoga Poses, Fat Loss, Cardio and Sitting Postures [videos]

Here are our latest exercise videos and there are further videos on our YouTube channel to help you with increasing your fitness levels whilst stuck at home. Yoga Poses Session 1 with Judith Landausser, Chartered Physiotherapist.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVyKlpeJ6dQ Cardio & Fat Loss Workout Session 3 with Dr. Alexander Guimaraes, Exercise Physiologist.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WXCSNXGZOc Self Mobilisations for Prolonged Sitting Postures […]
Is working from home a pain in the neck? (part 1)

Are you missing your ergonomically arranged workstation? That comfortable chair at the office? I decided to write this because, I’ve taken a few calls recently from clients complaining of increased neck pain and stiffness. What can you do to help your situation? Firstly – how are you working? Being aware is an important first step […]
12 actions to manage your mental health whilst being stuck at home.

For many of us, home is our safe or happy place. Here we can safely retreat from the hustle and bustle of the outside world to recharge and reboot before we step outside again. So home is a good place, but when our normal routine gets disrupted this happy place can become a war-zone. Initially, […]