6 Summer Recipes from our own Naturopath & Nutritional Therapist

by Marina Townsley Marina has a passion for healthy food, collects wholesome recipes and educates her clients about proper nutrition that she believes to be the very foundation of a long and healthy life. Here are 6 delicious recipes to enjoy this summer: 1. Strawberry, Mint & Cucumber Salad 2. Summer Peach Salad with Avocado, […]
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)& what we can do about it

By Tricia Arculus Unfortunately, 10% of women and 8.4-25% of men (7, 10) suffer from Chronic Pelvic pain Syndrome. If you are one of them, you know how debilitating and far-reaching the effects can be. It can affect every aspect of your life from simple exercise and walking, to sleeping, leisure time, chores, work, sex, […]
Life Happens and Acupuncture Helps

By Martine Vegoda MBAcC and Natalie Vegoda MBAcC #AcupunctureAwareness #MentalHealthAwareness Despite increasing proof of its effectiveness and the lower risk of adverse reactions than with many orthodox medical treatments, Traditional Chinese acupuncture (TCA) remains largely overlooked as a viable and effective form of healthcare. All too often, professional acupuncturists such as ourselves are consulted only […]
Fibromyalgia: Dealing with a flare up

Fibromyalgia: Dealing with a flare up. Holiday times are often busy with family visiting. We are out and about with friends, eating, drinking and having fun. We may well slip out of routine, and this could lead to a flare up. What can you do about it? Stop, Breathe and know that it will pass. […]
Chronic pain and the brain connection

The Vagus Nerve and the Gut: A Complex and Fascinating Relationship

The Gut-Brain Connection Explained

Why use Herbal Medicine?

By Marina Townsley Most of us are so used to treating their ailments with pharmaceutical pills of one sort or another that the idea of using plants as medicine would seem outdated. It evokes medieval visions of cackling witches brewing their secret potions in the moonlight or peasant women boiling roots and barks because they […]
A day in the life of a women’s health physiotherapist

By Judith Landhausser HCPC, MCSP, MACPWH, PG Dip (Women’s Health) Most of us are so used to treating their ailments with pharmaceutical pills of one sort or another that the idea of using plants as medicine would seem outdated. It evokes medieval visions of cackling witches brewing their secret potions in the moonlight or peasant […]
5 ways to fend off infections and support your immune system.

Elderberry Herbal medicine can be a true ally in keeping us well and able to fend off infections. They can restore us back to health more quickly and prevent infections from lingering inside the body which can cause long-term fatigue or other complications. Olive Leaf Extract I find Olive leaf extract incredibly helpful in maintaining […]