Fibromyalgia: Dealing with a flare up

Fibromyalgia: Dealing with a flare up. Holiday times are often busy with family visiting. We are out and about with friends, eating, drinking and having fun. We may well slip out of routine, and this could lead to a flare up. What can you do about it? Stop, Breathe and know that it will pass. […]
Abdominal Adhesions

Chronic pain and the brain connection

Give Your Baby the Best Start in Life:

Give Your Baby the Best Start in Life By Sarojni Vaja, Registered Osteopath Every new-born, regardless of their process of birth should have a New-born Cranial check-up. Whether your baby was premature or full term, whether he/she came out naturally or whether he/she came out via a c-section, whether they had to use interventions like […]