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Our solution to staying Healthy, Fit and Happy [videos]

In this challenging time we will be spending more time at home, doing house work, entertaining the kids or just trying to relax. However, we would like to remind you of the importance of staying active. Spending more time in sitting and stationary positions could lead to your lower back, neck and shoulders to start […]

Symptoms compared to other common conditions

Thanks to the team at Clear Passage for sharing this valuable chart comparing symptoms of common conditions to the symptoms of coronavirus Covid-19. To book an appointment, or get in touch with a practitioner, call  020 8458 7869 Or book an appointment online Book an Appointment

How to survive the invasion of bacteria and viruses

By Marina Townsley Spanish flu, Hong-Kong flu, bird flu, swine flu…. Influenza comes in different guises as the RNA viruses constantly mutate and turn into different strains. The seasonal influenza vaccine only contains three strains of type A or type B influenza, which WHO health officials select each year as the most likely influenza strains […]

3 Examples of when a Physio Home Visit is Best

Man at home

At Sutherland House, we have seen that in certain circumstances home visits can be a real-life solution for some physio patients, as a one-off or as a series of regular appointments. We understand that sometimes, often when you need a physiotherapist the most, it just isn’t practical to get to a clinic. In this blog […]

What is Cryotherapy? The Treatment Behind the Hype.


Getting cold with Cryotherapy Cryotherapy means ‘cold therapy’ and uses liquid nitrogen, specialist equipment and a tailored environment. The treatment allows a specific area of the body via a hand-held device, or the whole body in a specially built chamber, to be exposed to extremely cold air, below 120 degrees Celsius. In the UK, we […]

Natural Boosts against Autumn Colds and Winter Snuffles

The summer is over, the weather turns colder and we begin to succumb to colds as well: we sneeze and cough, splutter and feel a bit of a sore throat. We shiver and fight the brain fog that descends on us. Our eternal enemy – the common cold virus – strikes again. A cure for […]

Did You Have Medicine For Dinner Last Night?

What was on your dinner plate last night? As Hippocrates (born 460 BC) once said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” but are we really aware of what this means and how it translates into our everyday living? I was preparing dinner last night and was really pleased that my mashed potato […]

Gift Card

Indulge your friends and family with a gift card for any treatment at Sutherland House.​